Ever feel like marketing and PR is a big black hole that you just keep dumping money into yet.... never see anything come from it?
Problem You're Facing: You've spent $50,000 - $100,000 on marketing last year and it has brought you $0 in revenue and 0 clients.
Quick summary of what this blog is about:
If you want to make money RIGHTNOW, seek and pursue marketing tactics in stage 1. Instant revenue is nice, but the customers won't be as loyal or die hard fans as the customers that will emerge from the other stages.
If you can wait 3-4 months before seeing return of investment, do marketing activities from the stage 2 list. Customers will be more loyal and stronger than stage 1 customers.
If you can wait 4-6 months before seeing a return on investment, do marketing activities from the stage 3 list. The most loyal, die-hard fans come from this stage.
Read this blog if: you want to know which aspects of marketing will generate which kind of results and when.
There are 3 macro categories of ways to use marketing and PR and how it relates to sales and incoming revenue. We share this so you understand how marketing works and how and when to expect money in your pocket. This helps you understand how marketing works.
GET SALES NOW- As soon as next week!
Timeline: 1 week - 1 month until you see your first sale from these strategies
What You Want:
Need sales RIGHTNOW
No time for strategy development
No time for asset building
No time to nurture a relationship with the audience
You want to dump inventory NOW
Best Used for:
This method is recommended for entrepreneurs who are just starting out and need to see return on their investments as soon as possible.
How these methods benefit your overall strategy:
These methods do NOT have long term benefits. These are short term only.
Once you stop implementing these measurements, you will no longer see the sales.
If you want to continue to see sales from these strategies you have to always do them.
Best Strategies to use for immediate sales
Cold email marketing
Cold text marketing
What kind of audience you’ll attract:
Impulse buyers -They’re always up for a good offer, a great coupon. They could be one time buyers
Early adopters -These are the people with the “blue hair”. They’re willing to take a chance and try something new. If they like you, they will tell everyone they know and they become your best fans.
People who make fast decisions - People with strong personalities, busy people, who value their time.
How We, at Overnight Publicity Uses These Strategies:
Sales NOW: Depending on how much the client has saved up for marketing, we will strategically introduce these methods according to client goals and how soon the client needs money.
This method has less strategy, less creative, and zero long-term sales value.
Motivation: There are times when we can identify the entrepreneur needs motivation to continue on the arduous entrepreneurial journey. These methods are the equivalent of a personal trainer taking on a new client and helping them to lose 15 lbs in the first 2 weeks. The 15 lbs weight loss is not sustainable, but, it motivates the client to see immediate sales, and when they see immediate sales, it helps them to persevere through the next phase where weight loss slows down and muscle is built.
Timeline: 2 months - 4 months until you see your first sale from these strategies
What You Want:
Higher quality sales, even if it takes a little longer to build it up
Higher quality audience members who are a great fit for your brand and product
You have time for a little bit of strategy development
You have multiple products you’d like to sell them now and in the future
You’d like to build up your reputation
Best Used for:
Higher quality sales
Decent customer fit
You already made money doing the short term strategies and have a little bit of funds to wait a few months to see results
How these methods benefit your overall strategy:
These methods bring higher quality audience members who may be interested in a longer term relationship
You have the capacity to build an extremely deep and meaningful relationship with your core audience members who will help you push your products down the line for the rest of your career.
Once you stop implementing these measurements, you will still see some sales.
Best Strategies to use for medium term sales
Social Media Marketing
What kind of audience you’ll attract:
Your core 100 - A strong small business brand can exist on 100 raving fans. If you can build a core 100, you will likely have a strong business. If your core 100 comments on every post, if they purchase everything you sell, and they share every content you create, you will be very successful. These are the special customers who support you in the beginning and you always want to treat extremely well.
People who are more skeptical of “fast offers”
How We, at Overnight Publicity Use These Strategies:
Build a sustainable business and marketing machine for our clients. We teach and train our clients on how to maintain their social media platforms after we build them.
We teach our clients how to generate sales from social media
We teach our clients how to connect with the audience in mass
We teach our clients how to build the relationship with your core 100
We teach our clients how to own their data
Timeline: 4-6 months until you see your first sale from these strategies
*When combined with a combination of other elements, this strategy can produce quicker results
What You Want:
To stand out from every other small business
To have a strong reputation
To begin working with corporations and brands that are larger than you
To begin making money from your brand as well as your products.
The best way to describe this is to look at Nike: their value is in their brand, not in the shoes.
You want longevity, sustainable, life for your business
Best Used for:
Entrepreneurs who are in it to win it. They will not give up if it gets too hard.
Entrepreneurs who have saved up at least $12,000 to invest in their media strategies
Entrepreneurs who can wait 4-6 months until they get their first sales
How these methods benefit your overall strategy:
These methods have long term benefits.
Once you stop implementing these measurements, you will continue to see the sales FOREVER.
Especially your youtube channel, if you build it.
Some businesses get phone calls 15 years after they retired, from articles written about them 20 years ago.
Best Strategies to use for long term strategy
Interviews in publications and magazines
TV interviews
SEO- Search Engine Optimization
YouTube Channels
What kind of audience you’ll attract:
True fans
Skeptics -They’re always a segment of people who will not purchase anything until the rest of the world vouches for it. This is the opposite of the early adoptor.
Audiences who will buy over and over
People who always keep the door open to you to sell them
People who might act like a “fan” or a schoolgirl with a crush if they ever met you in real life
People who will consume all your content and pay you “attention”
How We, at Overnight Publicity Use These Strategies:
Build a sustainable, well rounded reputation for you and your brand
Give you a true brand and business that stands the test of multiple elements that could come against you